Irene Van Dijk E Alessandro Borghesani

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Irene Van Dijk E Alessandro Borghesani

Irene van Dijk was born in Roosendaal, the Netherlands. She received her dance training at the National Ballet Academy in Amsterdam, where she was awarded a prize by the Stichting Dansersfonds ’97 (founded by Hans Ebbelaar and Alexandra Radius). She also earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from the Palucca University of Dance in Dresden. 
Irene began her dance career with the Semperoper Ballet performing in “Sleeping Beauty”, “Les Sylphides”, “Firebird” and “Nutcracker”.
From 2011 to 2014, she joined Introdans in Arnhem, the Netherlands, where she performed both neoclassical and modern repertoire. Her repertoire includes choreographies by Nacho Duato, Nils Christe, Jiri Kylián, Lucinda Childs, Stijn Celis, and Thierry Malandain.
Since the 2014/15 season, Irene Van Dijk has been a member of the ballet company at the Theater Krefeld and Mönchengladbach, and got promoted to soloist in 2019. She
has performed multiple leading roles in Robert North’s choreographies, including the Maiden in “Death and the Maiden”, Maria in “Annunciation”, the Daughter in “For My
Daughter”, and Life in “Sleep of Reason”.
In 2019, she was honored with the Theater Oscar by the Rheinische Post.

Alessandro Borghesani comes from Italy, where he also received his dance education. From 2007 to 2009, he studied classical and contemporary dance at the Hamlyn School in Florence. During this time, he already performed with the Junior Company, appearing in choreographies by Robert North, John Neumeier, and George Balanchine.
In 2008, he received a dance scholarship for the Hamburg Ballet. Since the 2009/2010 season, Alessandro Borghesani has been a member of the ballet ensemble at the Theater Krefeld and Mönchengladbach, becoming a soloist in 2014.
He has danced the main roles in Robert North’s ballet repertoire, including Death in “Death and the Maiden”, “Troy Game”, Romeo in “Romeo and Juliet”, Don Jose in “Carmen”, Tchaikovsky in “Tchaikovsky’s Träume”, and “Entre dos Aguas”, among many others.
Alessandro Borghesani was invited to dance at the international ballet gala in Lappeenranta and Tampere in 2017.
In 2018, he was honored with the Joachim Fontheim Prize and has received the Theater-Oscar of the Rheinische Post four times. Alessandro Borghesani has also proven himself as a young choreographer through his work in the choreography
workshop and has choreographed for the main stage.

Irene Van Dijk E Alessandro Borghesani

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